Scholastic Matchmakers
Scholastic Matchmakers, Step by Step

Step 4: Preparing for shipping

Complete the School Information Form
Complete the "School Information Form" included in this package, and ship it to us in the box with your completed answer forms. Follow the directions on the School Information Form very carefully. If the form is not completed correctly, we may not be able to process your answer forms at all, or there may be severe delays in processing.

Choose a selling price on the School Information Form
Scholastic Matchmakers offers a flexible pricing arrangement so that you can make the greatest possible profit. We always charge 50% of your price, down to a $.50 minimum charge, so that you can always be assured of a 50% profit. More important, this policy allows you to set the price that is best for students at your school. In some parts of the country, students are willing or able to pay more for their Lists than in others, so we strongly recommend that you poll student at your school to decide the best price. If you aren't sure, don't be greedy-- choose the minimum price of $1.00 per list. Schools that charge a lower price make more money than schools that charge a higher price, because many more students buy the Lists when they cost $1.00 or less. The price that you choose on the School Information Form will be printed on every Compatibility List.

Check all completed surveys for mistakes
Make sure all surveys have a complete name, sex, and grade marked. Correct mistakes when possible. Throw out any surveys with bogus or obscene names.

Cut and pack the forms
Cut the answer form portion of the surveys from the questionnaire portion of the surveys. Feel free to throw away the questionnaires-- we don't need them. Arrange all answer forms so that they are facing the same direction, same side up. This will help speed processing. If possible, put rubber bands around the stacks of answer forms, so they don't scatter in shipping. If there are no rubber bands, be sure to pack the answer forms securely. Pack the Answer Forms and the School Information Form in a box suitable for shipping. If you do not have a good box, Federal Express will provide you with a box free of charge (See #5).

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Last updated: 25 Sept 1995