Re: Invalid Player Names

From: Jean-Jack M. Riethoven, AgroSystems department (AB-DLO), Wageningen - NL, (+31) (J.J.M.RIETHOVEN@AB.AGRO.NL)
Date: 01/31/94

Hello Ace,

> It seems that the code to keep players from entering the game who use one of
> the names in the xnames file doesn't work....
> Has anyone else had a problem with it?

I encounterd the same problem when porting CircleMUD to the Amiga. My
compiler warned about a line that "may cause multiple side-effects" in
the Valid_Name() function [ban.c].

The original code:

   for (i = 0, cptr = newname; *cptr && i < MAX_NAME_LENGTH; )
      tempname[i++] = tolower(*cptr++);   /* this caused side effects */

(tempname resulted not in the complete lowercase string, but minus one
char or so, don't remember exactly).

Fixed it by:

   for (i = 0, cptr = newname; *cptr && i < MAX_NAME_LENGTH; )
      tempname[i++] = tolower(*cptr);

Hope it helps.


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