Spells (fwd)

From: Alexander J Skrabut (skrabut@acsu.buffalo.edu)
Date: 02/27/94

Forwarded message:
> From VAMPYR@KSUVM.KSU.EDU Sun Feb 27 18:27:26 1994
> Message-Id: <9402272302.AA02582@dopey.fpa.com>
> Date:         Sun, 27 Feb 94 16:19 CST
> Subject:      Spells
> To: <CIRCLE@fpa.com>
> When circle 3 comes out, Myself, and the other 4 gods for Pandor are going to
> try something (if we find someone who knows code).  We would like to make
> schools of magic.  Ie, if you start as a mage, you pick your school.  Straight
> D&D spells, of the 7 different schools.  Anyone have any tips for doing this?
> Or need a job as a Coder on another mud? :)
> Thanks.
> Vampyr.

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