Re: coding question

From: Scatter (
Date: 03/20/95

On Sat, 4 Mar 1995, Ricky David Gibson wrote:

> i've only been coding in C for about 2 years so i'm not even close to 
> knowning all the tricks of the trait yet...but to my point....
> i've noticed on a few other DIKU based muds that you can type parts of   
> words instead of the intire word and the mud still understands what
> the user is typing. ie. ki ci for kill cityguard.  even
> telling to other characters online you could use the first few letters of
> there character's name.  I think you probably have an idea of the point 
> i'm getting to.
> my problem is I don't even know where to begin, to impliment this idea.
> anyone out there have any ideas on how to go about coding this?

Start by looking at interpreter.c :)

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