Want to have an exit opened when an item is moved

From: ----* Taz (A.U.McLernan@durham.ac.uk)
Date: 03/22/95


Can anyone point me in the right direction, or give sample code for the

I want an exit to be opened when a certain item is dropped in a room.

I guess this is a SPECIAL() room function, but I havn't yet waded through
all the source code to suss the code out for this.

I Also need a way to find out if when a _PC_ enters a room if a certain
item is carried in the inventory of aforesaid PC.

Anyone out there able to help ?

Thanks in advance,


___                         |
-   ---___-                 |  E-Mail:
   (' ||      _             |    Internet: A.U.McLernan @ durham.ac.uk
  ((  ||     < \, /\\       |
 ((   ||     /-||  /        |
  (( //     (( || /\\       |    Snail Mail: A.U.Mclernan
    -____-   \/\\  ||       |                College Of St.Hild & St.Bede
                   /        |                Durham University
                  (,        |                Durham
                            |                DH1 1SZ
                            |                U.K

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