
From: Geoffrey Brown (gbrown%calsmail@isd.csc.com)
Date: 03/23/95

  Is there a known buglist that I may reference before I submit a bug that may
have already been reported?

                     Geoffrey C. Brown

^v^  ^v^  ^v^  ^v^ ^v^  ^v^  ^v^  ^v^ ^v^  ^v^  ^v^  ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
sev*en n. [ME < OE _seofon_: akin to G. _sieben_, Lat. _septem_, Gk.
_hepta_, an
Skt. _sapta_.]  1.  The cardinal number equal to 6 + 1.  2. The seventh
in a series or a sequence. --sev'en adj & pronoun.
            Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary.  1994
            Houghton Mifflin Co.  Boston, MA.
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