Re: Disarm problems...

From: Lincoln Chan (linc@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 08/09/95

Herumm....I thought it was MIGHTY weird that 2 people would make the same
sign mistake, so I started digging through my mail for the original message
and it seems that I've been commenting on the wrong sign!  I don't know
WHERE the hell that sign error came from, since I've been cutting and pasting
any code I get...BUT, here's what I have as the original message from ziz:


Here is my code:

   percent = number(1, 101); /* 101% is a complete failure */
   prob = GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_DISARM);

   if (percent < prob) {
      act ("You failed to disarm $s.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR);
   } else {
   disarm(ch, victim);

Advice? Thanks.

--Ziz, NetShamen

Sooo, if 1 to 101 is < 0, fail...never will happen, never will fail.

Sorry, Paul did have it right, you got your sign backwards, ziz.

My apologies for the confusion,
linc aka Aladdin of Eternity DikuMUD

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