Re: 3.0 gamma release?

From: Chris A. Epler (cepler@ucsee.EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: 10/28/95

On Sat, 28 Oct 1995, Michael Gustafson wrote:

> Genral:
> I just got the 3.0 beta-patchlevel 8 relese and was wondering if any one 
> has info on the total release. The latest info I can find is from May.
> And I may sound gimpy, but will someone please E-mail me and tell me info 
> about the release.

Jeremy (The author of CircleMUD) has been quite busy with school etc and 
has not had a chance to work on the code in a while.  I've been going 
over the help file a bit for him and have cleaned it up a little, if 
anyone has any suggestions on additions/clarifications etc for the help 
file please E-Mail me.  But as for the next release....When it's ready is 
the general rule.  ;)  I know it's hard to accept, but it's just the way 
things are.

  Chris A. Epler <>
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