Re: FlameFest II: This is is not CS 1

From: Michael Buselli (
Date: 05/09/96

On Thu, 9 May 1996, The Arrow wrote:

> I have been looking a little on (I hope you forgive me :) LPMuds.

     Nothing wrong with that if you plan on running your mud on a machine 
with gazillions of spare processor cycles.

> There is an orginization called 'The Center for Imaginary Enviroment' 
> that acts as a hub for different LPMuds. They have a www/ftp site with 
> sources to all kinds of drivers and mudlibs. They also hosts some muds, 
> one of them called 'The Idea Exchange', which is a mud run in the purpose 
> to give LPMuds admins and wizards a place where they could log in and ask 
> questions about/discuss things about (guess what... :) LPMuds.

     I've been there.  The LP community has had something similar to the 
new still being developed circle intermud for a long time, so the imps 
from one LP are probably very familiar with the imps on some of the other 
LPs just by virtue of that.  Especially the ones that have been there 
forever, like the "Jeremys" and "Furys" of that community.  Getting 
together on the Idea Exchange is just a way of saying hi in person rather 
than by interwiz (or the equivalent command).

> It is not restricted just to 'coding' (low level mudlib coding) but also 
> building.

     This is because coding and building are almost identically the same 
thing in LPs.  Each room, mobile, object, thing, concept, idea, and air 
particle has its own routine in the LPC code.

> If someone has the time (and resources) to put up such a mud, I think it 
> would be greatly appreciated, both by "experienced" people (like me *hum* 
> :) and newbie coders.

     I don't think it would work very well on a diku.  On an LP mud if
someone asks "how'd you make xxx?"  you could answer look at file
/xxx/xxx/xxx and see.  On a diku mud, you can't show off the code running
the mud on line.  The best I've been able to do is post a message to a 
random board lying around, using cutting and pasting when I want to show 
off a bit of code to a friend on a mud.  I don't find this acceptable in 
general because it's more time consuming than it is productive.

     If you're trying to teach a newbie in C programming how to run a mud 
and implement new things, you're not going to be able explain things in a 
way the newb impl is going to understand by being on line.  I suppose I 
do have more productive on line meetings with good coders, but they have 
to be good and know C well for it to work out.  If we set up such a 
place, it would have to be for people that know C only.  The newbies that 
do not will drive the good coders away, and it will then fail due to lack 
of support.

     Oh, and to the comment someone made about everyone being a C
programming newbie and asking newbie questions.  Sorry to disappoint you,
but my presence upon this Earth contradicts your statement.  During my
"newbie" time in C, I RTFM when I needed help.  TFM solved my problems.  
TFM is a good thing.  I suggest everyone RTFM.  If you don't have a FM, 
then I suggest you drop the hobby of implementing on a mud.

Michael Buselli

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