Re: NEWBIE: .patch files

From: James A. Young (
Date: 05/11/96

On Fri, 10 May 1996, Brian Pape wrote:

> > There are several pieces of code i've found in the list archives, etc that use a
> > patch program (.patch files). As I'm not using unix, I don't have a copy of patch.
> >
> > I am running Circle on WinNT and using Microsoft C++ 4.1 .. hence the lack of the unix
> > patch program :)
> hey, at least you aren't running win95  :-)
> You might try getting the source to patch and compiling it...
> There are also versions of tar and gzip out there if you need them,
> although I'm assuming you already have them considering you
> untarred/ungzipped the circle archive  :-)
> Taran.
> Reign of Towers
I don't know the site offhand, but there is a program called Winzip 6.0.  
It includes the extensions: .gz, .tar, .z, and I think .Z

Just thought I would refer you to that.  As soon as I can remember where 
I got it from, I will post it.  But if you can't wait that long, I can E-mail
it to you (providing you don't have a quota)


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