Re: NEWBIE: Code, C question. [Part 2]

From: Trey T. Morita (
Date: 05/13/96

On Mon, 13 May 1996, Fionn Colvin wrote:

> Hi all,
>        Ok, I changed my percent line to:
> percent = (100 * current) / total
> ass suggested by Jeremy. However now when I do a score, again with str: 17
> dex: 25 and con: 12 I get
> str: below average  dex: below average  con: below average.
> Con should be below average, but dex should be supreme and str good. Any 
> ideas?
> char *see_good(int current, int total)
> {
>   int percent;
>   static char word[256];
This is your problem. This allocates 256 bytes at address TOTALLY_BOGUS . .

>   sprintf(buf, "%s Str: %s/%d		      Dex: %s		   Con: %s\r\n",
>           buf, see_good(GET_STR(ch), 25), GET_ADD(ch), see_good(GET_DEX(ch), 25), see_good(GET_CON(ch), 25));
When you call see_good to get the strength string, it puts the string 
"good" in address TOTALLY_BOGUS and returns a (char *) to TOTALLY_BOGUS.
The dex call for see_good puts the string "supreme" in the same address
TOTALLY_BOGUS, and returns the same address, TOTALLY_BOGUS. 
Con call: puts the string "below average" into the address TOTALLY_BOGUS, and
returns that address. So you see, the return value from each call to 
see_good is the address TOTALLY_BOGUS, and when the program finishes 
processing the arguments to sprintf, it says, "Gee, now I have all the 
strings I need, now, I parse the 2nd arg . . . ok, what goes in %s? buf! 
Ok, now what goes in this %s? TOTALLY_BOGUS, which is . . "below 
average". OK, there's that %d, and then this %s, which is TOTALLY_BOGUS, 
"below average", and the last %s is . . TOTALLY_BOGUS, "below average"."
Nice run-on sentence there, oh well, I hope you catch my drift. Simply 
removing the static keyword will NOT fix your problem, it will leave you 
with a pointer to deallocated memory, which will probably segfault.

You might be able to save yourself some processor cycles and stack space 
by just using a macro for this . . something like 
#define PCT_WORD(value, max) ((((value*100)/max) >= 100) ? "supreme" : 
(((value*100)/max) >= 90) ? "very good" : ...etc...etc...  ))

You'd have to have a good grasp of the (expr) ? (blah) : (bleh) operator, 
though. I guess it would help if you made the calculation a macro too . .

#define PCT(value, max) ((value*100)/max)

#define PCT_WORD(value, max) ((PCT(value, max) >= 100) ? "supreme" :
((PCT(value, max) >= 90) ? "very good" : blehblebhleh ))

Dunno, looks messy as hell . . . would work though, if you could keep 
your parentheses straight through all that. If you try to macro-fy it, be 
careful about carriage returns in macros, my gcc doesn't like that, use \ 
and then a carriage return to go to a new line in a macro.

Hmm, maybe you could even macro-fy it some more . .

#define PCT(value, max) ((value*100)/max)
#define SUPREME_PCT(value, max) (PCT(value,max) >= 100 ? 1 : 0)
#define VERY_GOOD_PCT(value, max) (PCT(value, max) >= 90 ? 1 : 0)

#define PCT_WORD(value, max) (SUPREME_PCT(value, max) ? "supreme" : \
(VERY_GOOD_PCT(value, max) ? "very good" : etcetcetc ))

Looking back, I'm tempted to just remove all this macro crap, but oh 
well. Step 1 is to get rid of that static and figure a way to catch the 
strings in DIFFERENT addresses ;)


Disclaimer - It's 5 AM, I can't sleep, and I'm writing this in pine, so 
my parentheses may not add up, or this whole line of thought may be bunk. 
Who knows?

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