Re: CODE: WIN95: UNIX: Same source

From: Jeremy Elson (
Date: 07/04/96

> Problem: Compiling the same source on both Linux (1.2.13 elf) and Win95/NT
> I ran into one problem while doing this.. it's an easy fix and I thought it s
> be reported for possible inclusion into the distribution.
> In comm.c there is an include "#include "winsock.h"
> if this include is moved into the #IFDEF CIRCLE_WINDOWS 
>  definition, the mud will compile on both windows and linux using the same so
urce files
> (with the exception of the makefile and conf.h of course)
> For what it's worth ...

Maybe you're looking at an old version of the source code?  As of pl11 anyway,
the identical source already compiles on both platforms.  (The windows and
UNIX distribution (.tar.gz and .zip) are *exactly* the same except for the
archiving method).  #include "winsock.h" is not in comm.c, it's in sysdep.h.
This is all as of pl11, anyway.

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