Re: Opening screen on Circle + another ANSI question

From: Brian Burrell (
Date: 07/06/96

does anyone have that auto-detect ansi code?  it sends a string to the
char..  (ansi string) which if ansi is involved on the chars side the ansi
daemon autmatically shoots something back...   then you just ^H all the
shit just incase they didn't have ansi....

anyone have this handy by chance?

also um, while im at it hehe...   i'm trying to set it up so isname() acts
like mush's.. where l bub     equals the same as l bubba   ... only any
kinda strstr or strcmp i put into the func totally crashes my mud (their
just test ones too.. send_to_char(ok it's working ) if strstr is matched..

On Fri, 5 Jul 1996, ShadowLord wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Jul 1996, Andrew P Carter wrote:
> >      As a side note, I was wondering if anyone had a simple way to prompt 
> > players on whether they wanted ansi or not before they login (before the 
> > opening screen even).  That way you could put in an ansi opening screen,
> > character creations menus, etc.  Yeah, it seems pretty easy, but I hate
> > messing around with any stuff around the socket code, and besides I'm lazy.
> > So if anyone has done it and could lend me their interpreter.c to look
> > at (or tell me how it's done) I'd be much obliged :P
> It's easy.  You don't even need to get around the socket code *AT ALL.*
> Just go into structs.h and add a new CON state, I call mine CON_TERM_TYPE
> but you can call it whatever you want, to.  Be sure to add the string to
> constants.c with the names of the other CON_xxx states.
> Now, into comm.c search forward for the word GREETING.  This should put
> you into the new_descriptor() function.  Then it's easy:
>   * Remove the "extern char *GREETINGS;" line.
>   * Go down to where it sets the person to CON_GET_NAME and replace it
>     with your terminal type state.
>   * Go down to where it sends out the greeting (SEND_TO_Q(GREETING...))
>     and replace it with SEND_TO_Q("Do you want ANSI[y/n]? ", d);
> Now that, that is done, just add the code for the state into
> interpreter.c, the nanny() function.  Also, the first part of the
> CON_GET_NAME function where it creates d->character if it's non-existant
> should be moved out of the switch statement.  This prevents crashes from
> the new CON state that preceeds CON_GET_NAME.  Next, add this inside the
> switch statement:
>   case CON_whatever:	/* replace "whatever" with the right CON #def */
>     switch (LOWER(*arg)) {
>     case 'y': case '\0': /* defaults to Yes if they just press ENTER */
>       SET_BIT(PRF_FLAGS(d->character), PRF_COLOR_1 | PRF_COLOR_2);
>       SEND_TO_Q("ANSI has been enabled!\r\n", d);
>       break;
>     case 'n':
>       SEND_TO_Q("No ANSI color will be sent.\r\n", d);
>       break;
>     default:
>       SEND_TO_Q("Do you want ANSI[y/n]? ", d);
>       return;
>     }
>     break;
> Ooops, don't forget to add the line
>   extern char *GREETINGS;
> At the beginning of the nanny() function...
> Sorry if that was confusing, I'll consider making a patch to do this if
> people really want to.  Also, if you want to use two different screens for
> non-ANSI and ANSI then move the SEND_TO_Q(GREETINGS, d) into the case 'y'
> and case 'n' sections and change GREETINGS to whatever variable has the
> name of your MUD.  If you want to make sure I know what the hell I'm
> talking about, telnet to 4000.
> 	-dak

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