Mob prog errors.

From: DJ Pure (
Date: 12/10/96


I got mobprogs compiled ... but i can't test it (don't know how to make any
.. i was just asked to add it from one of my builders cause he explained it
and it sounds kewl. So where's there a help on making some mobprogs (didn't
come with the patch)

And one thing .. I got this warning ..

--------------------Configuration: src - Win32 Debug--------------------
C:\Mud Stuff\Circle Mud\src\mobprog.c(1506) : warning C4018: '<' :
signed/unsigned mismatch
C:\Mud Stuff\Circle Mud\src\mobprog.c(1510) : warning C4018: '<' :
signed/unsigned mismatch
circle.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)

any help/ideas?

here's the lines

<in void mprog_wordlist_check ..>

  for (mprg = mob_index[mob->nr].mobprogs; mprg != NULL; mprg = mprg->next)
    if (mprg->type & type)
	strcpy(temp1, mprg->arglist);
	list = temp1;
        while(isspace(*list)) list++;
	for (i = 0; i < strlen(list); i++)			// HERE's Line 1506
	  list[i] = LOWER(list[i]);
	strcpy(temp2, arg);
	dupl = temp2;
	for (i = 0; i < strlen(dupl); i++) 			// HERE'S Line 1510
	  dupl[i] = LOWER(dupl[i]);
	if ((list[0] == 'p') && (list[1] == ' '))
	    list += 2;
	    while ((start = strstr(dupl, list)))
	      if ((start == dupl || *(start-1) == ' ')
		  && (*(end = start + strlen(list)) == ' '
<etc etc>

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