Memory usage

From: George (greerga@DRAGON.HAM.MUOHIO.EDU)
Date: 08/20/97

BUF: fread_string:2077 used 0/512 bytes.
BUF: fread_string:2077 used 220/8192 bytes.
BUF: get_line:398 used 6/256 bytes.
BUF: get_line:398 used 2/256 bytes.
BUF: fread_string:2077 used 0/512 bytes.
BUF: fread_string:2077 used 89/8192 bytes.
BUF: fread_string:2077 used 446/8192 bytes.
BUF: process_output:1101 used 438/12320 bytes.
BUF: buffer.c:562 used 599/8192 bytes. (typed: show buffers)

Seems most of CircleMUD's boot up functions don't use their entire buffer
space anyway...  This new feature will be cool to hunt down those commands
which allocate 8,192 bytes and then can never possibly use it all. Thus
making CircleMUD even smaller for memory usage.

If does a strlen() upon release_buffer() if you're wondering.

-- | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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