A botched "do_advance"

From: Chuck Reed (creed@I-55.COM)
Date: 11/15/97

I compiled my src with the new exp patch from the circle site and it gave me
no errors and the game is running nicely now.  There is just one visible
problem I have encountered.  The advance command is not working correctly
when you try to advance foreword.  This is the code:

  struct char_data *victim;
  char *name = arg, *level = buf2;
  int newlevel, oldlevel;
  void do_start(struct char_data *ch);

  void gain_exp(struct char_data * ch, int gain);

  two_arguments(argument, name, level);

if (*name) {
    if (!(victim = get_char_vis(ch, name))) {
      send_to_char("That player is not here.\r\n", ch);
  } else {
    send_to_char("Advance who?\r\n", ch);

  if (GET_LEVEL(ch) <= GET_LEVEL(victim)) {
    send_to_char("Maybe that's not such a great idea.\r\n", ch);
  if (IS_NPC(victim)) {
   send_to_char("NO!  Not on NPC's.\r\n", ch);
  if (!*level || (newlevel = atoi(level)) <= 0) {
    send_to_char("That's not a level!\r\n", ch);
  if (newlevel > LVL_IMPL) {
    sprintf(buf, "%d is the highest possible level.\r\n", LVL_IMPL);
    send_to_char(buf, ch);
  if (newlevel > GET_LEVEL(ch)) {
    send_to_char("Yeah, right.\r\n", ch);
  if (newlevel == GET_LEVEL(victim)) {
    send_to_char("They are already at that level.\r\n", ch);
  oldlevel = GET_LEVEL(victim);
  if (newlevel < GET_LEVEL(victim)) {
    GET_LEVEL(victim) = newlevel;
    send_to_char("You are momentarily enveloped by darkness!\r\n"
                 "You feel somewhat diminished.\r\n", ch);
  if (newlevel > GET_LEVEL(victim)) {
    act("$n makes some strange gestures.\r\n"
        "A strange feeling comes upon you,\r\n"
        "Like a giant hand, light comes down\r\n"
        "from above, grabbing your body, that\r\n"
        "begins to pulse with colored lights\r\n"
        "from inside.\r\n\r\n"
        "Your head seems to be filled with demons\r\n"
        "from another plane as your body dissolves\r\n"
        "to the elements of time and space itself.\r\n"
        "Suddenly a silent explosion of light\r\n"
        "snaps you back to reality.\r\n\r\n"
        "You feel slightly different.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_VICT);

  send_to_char(OK, ch);

  sprintf(buf, "(GC) %s has advanced %s to level %d (from %d)",
          GET_NAME(ch), GET_NAME(victim), newlevel, oldlevel);
  gain_exp_regardless(victim, exp_to_level(ch) - GET_EXP(victim));
  save_char(victim, NOWHERE);

Any idears?

Chuck Reed

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