Re: Shop.c & assign_the_shops()

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 12/02/97

On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Rasmus Ronlev wrote:

>      SHOP_KEEPER(top_shop) = real_mobile(SHOP_KEEPER(top_shop));
>So... erm.... *grin* I'd say we have a real_mobile/rnum assigment in the
>shop_index[x].keeper value...

Yeah, it converts, I've never followed the shop code other than finding
another potential bug unrelated to this one two days ago.  I have yet to
follow up on that theory though.

>This however raises a note, that the comment in some struct is wrong, or
>that something else, than what's actually done, was the purpose... *shrug*

Misleading comment.

>Furthermore, as Akuma wrote, I think there's actually a possible cause for
>a memory fault in the stock assign_the_shops code.. If the shop the mud
>boots has an invalid mobile assigned, that will put -1 into the
>shop_index[xxx].keeper value, then the following code 'underwrites' the
>shop_index table:


>The check against top_of_mobt is sort of lame, since real_mobile should
>have taken care of the check that the mobile it returns a vnum of exists,
>but I'm a little 'checkhappy' when it comes to memory trouble by now *G*
>Well, I thought this might be of commin interest ,-)

Nod, I'll make something up and check out that other one too.  If you're
wondering, I'm getting a multiple free in the shop code that I haven't
determined to be either my fault or it's fault.  Considering I didn't
change shop.c, I don't know...

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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