Re: HELP: Leveling

From: Chuck Reed (creed@I-55.COM)
Date: 12/07/97

Sounds like you have lost your check that makes the character at the top
of the player file an imp.  You can replace this with stock code(if
thats the prob), or you can add a stupid little thing in act.other.c


then in interpreter.c add this with all the other ACMD's:


then in interpreter.c add this in the master command list:

{"imp", POS_DEAD, do_imp, 0, 0};

Now, when you get on, type "imp" and delete all the stuff you just did.
Stupid, but it would probly work unless I made a dumb mistake somewhere.

Chuck Reed

> I have just replaced my leveling system on the mud with a new one.  I
> deleted all my charactors, and now when I start a new charactor, it is
> level 1, and not an implementor!  I have checked my player object
> directories and no other players are in existence.  How can I raise this
> charactor to implementor status?

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