Re: [Off Topic] C language Question

From: Daniel Koepke (dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM)
Date: 12/19/97

Chuck Carson wrote:
> I have a question regarding file system I/O. I am wanting to open different
> directories from within a C program and eventually open these files for
> writing. Is there a precoded function to open a directory and return its
> contents? I am currently using a 'jerry-rig' approach.
> system("ls -al > somefile.dat")
> fopen(blah......)
> Is this the only method of doing this?
> btw: I am writing this code on an IRIX machine. (6.2)

There's a question in the FAQ that describes how to read the contents
of a directory.  I should know it's there...I wrote the q&a (it wasn't
that grand of a writing, however).

daniel koepke /

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