Re: [OFF_SUBJECT] Linux Question

From: Sean Butler (sbutler@DEVEAST.COM)
Date: 12/30/97

>It is a normal TCP/IP dial up server.  I got
>the telnet thing open, the BBS dialer thingy, the web browser, but i
>could not dial for the life of me.  I would appreciate any kind of help,
>especially a walk-thru ;)

man dip

dip is a utility to create a dialup IP connection.

For information of this type you should visit the redhat linux site.
It has all of the how-to files in hypertext.

Do a search for dip on this site and you will turn up some info.
Also, pppd might be a good thing to try searching for. (All dip
does is provide a fancy way to set up pppd)

Sean Butler

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