Re: Disconnect = CRASH?

From: Jeff Almeida (jalmeida@IX.NETCOM.COM)
Date: 12/31/97

This is currently where the IEDIT command is:  <cut from my code.log>

   o Iedit command created to replace inn command
   o Iedit main menu is there
   o Iedit prompts work, input not being stored
   o Iedit now uses OLC mode & descriptor->olc
   o Iedit now uses the OLC temporary object (save not implemented, yet)
   o Iedit now uses the argument to select the correct inn
   o Iedit saves internally
   o Iedit now displays more details (Y/N, Owner & Innkeeper Name)
   o Iedit YN prompt corrected.
   o Iedit update Owner & Innkeeper works
   o Iedit default Innkeeper and Owner are implemented
   o Iedit now saves to disk (yippie!)
   o Iedit create was addeed as a command.
   o Iedit room number was added
   o Iedit Immortal / Owner Security was implemented
   o Iedit create now goes into the editor
   o Iedit defaults to the owners inn if possible
   o Iedit Modified flag now displayed
   o Iedit Has a Save Option appearing when modified
   o Iedit required Save prior to executing the commands
   o Iedit allows adding of rooms via owner
   o Iedit copy command was implemented
   o Iedit Hire Innkeeper was implemented

So, it will be a while before I am done with it.  Also, to admit stupidity, I
really have no idea HOW to make a patch for it since my source is modified
pl11 and I didnt keep track of the changes.  (I didnt think others would be
all that interested.)

I still have to rewite the actual offer mobproc and the actual renting.  I
also have to write a nightly maintenance command to handle the daily
deductions, evictions, payroll (for the innkeeper) etc.  Once all that is
done, I need to test it a little more.

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