Re: Random room in a zone.

From: Mark A. Heilpern (heilpern@MINDSPRING.COM)
Date: 02/04/98

At 06:29 AM 2/4/98 +0000, you wrote:
>> zone = world[ch->in_room].number;
>> to_room = number((zone * 100), (zone * 100) + 99);
>With that code you're setting it a number from currentroom00 to
>currentroom99, not zone number, try
>zone = world[ch->in_room].zone;

On this note, has anyone noticed that if you create a new zone, there's
no code that walks through the rooms at the new zones rnum and higher
to increment them by one?

I have zone "sector" in eQuoria, where status can be one of several regions
or UNLINKED. Players are prevented from entering various regions for various
reasons, such as prevented from entering an UNLINKED zone unless they are
a flagged TESTCHAR. Now, whenever a new zone is created, all zones higher
in vnum (and subsequently, rnum) are shifted (along with their sector) but,
I write code to shift world[].zone entries, zone sector is looked up

(In case anyone is interested, the zone "sector" came about because the world
of eQuoria is split into 4 primary islands, and a few other logically
seperate areas,
and 3 of the islands are level-restricted, based on "sector". Also,
portal, etc. will not work between 2 islands except between the "main"
island and
the others. The "justification" is that magic cannot span that far.)

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