Re: Ascii Codes Baggett/DOOMer at "Feb 16, 98 00:55:26 am"

Date: 02/16/98

> what are these?
>        OCT  DEC   HEX    CHAR
>        ----------------------
>        001   1     01    SOH          start of header
>        002   2     02    STX          start of text
>        003   3     03    ETX          end of text
>        004   4     04    EOT          end of transmission
>        005   5     05    ENQ          enquiry
>        006   6     06    ACK          acknowledge
>        016   14    0E    SO           shift out
>        017   15    0F    SI           shift in
>        020   16    10    DLE          datalink escape
>        021   17    11    DC1          dev control 1
>        022   18    12    DC2          "           2
>        023   19    13    DC3          "           3
>        024   20    14    DC4          "           4
>        025   21    15    NAK          negative ack
>        026   22    16    SYN          synchronous idle
>        027   23    17    ETB          eot block
>        030   24    18    CAN          cancel
>        031   25    19    EM           end of medium
>        032   26    1A    SUB          substitute
>        034   28    1C    FS           file separator
>        035   29    1D    GS           group  "
>        036   30    1E    RS           record "
>        037   31    1F    US           unit   "
> Any help would be appreciated.  I'm trying to find a character to use
> to replace of the tilde '~' so the fread_string function
> can't be cheated.

        Not sure if these'll actually be of any use, but there they are.  I
dunno what's sadder;  that's I actually sat down and typed all those in,
or that I knew about 70% of em off the top of my head. :)
-AxL, - SysOp, RPM Director, WPCR Plymouth, 91.7 FM
 "Discriminate against the next fashion sucker you's a raver!"

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