[SYSTEM-Solaris] Compiling Circle 2.x

From: Grant Visser (grant@WEBHOST.CO.ZA)
Date: 02/25/98

Hi all,

Having a lot of trouble compiling an existing mud which was based on Circ
2.1 code on my Solaris 2.5.1 SUN server.

I am using the GNU gcc compiler and do have the BSD Compatibility libraries
loaded but dont think gcc is using them.

The error I get on compiling looks like :
gcc -c -O3 -Wall  -DSVR4  comm.c
comm.c: In function `main':
comm.c:183: warning: implicit declaration of function `srandom'
comm.c: In function `game_loop':
comm.c:279: warning: implicit declaration of function `sigmask'
comm.c:308: warning: implicit declaration of function `sigsetmask'
comm.c: In function `init_socket':
comm.c:671: warning: implicit declaration of function `bzero'
comm.c:672: warning: implicit declaration of function `gethostname'

Near the end I then get :
gcc -o ../bin/circle  comm.o act.comm.o act.informative.o act.movement.o
1.o act.obj2.o act.offensive.o act.other.o act.social.o act.wizard.o
handler.o d
b.o interpreter.o utility.o spec_assign.o shop.o limits.o mobact.o fight.o
y.o weather.o spell_parser.o spells1.o spells2.o constants.o spec_procs.o
s.o objsave.o boards.o magic.o mail.o castle.o ban.o graph.o config.o
shell.o ol
c_gen.o olc_zon.o olc_obj.o olc_mob.o olc_wld.o editor.o -lsocket -lnsl
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
sigmask                             comm.o
sigsetmask                          comm.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to ../bin/circle
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `../bin/circle'

I believe that this is caused because comm.c is including signal.h which
has the sigmask and sigsetmask calls which are BSD system calls.

This would lead me to believe that I am simply not using the correct
libraries .... BUT cannot see HOW to fix the problem.

I'd be most grateful if someone could point me in the right direction here.

NOTE: We will be converting to Circle 3.12 but that is going to take time
so I really do need a way to make this compile work albeit only a short
term solution.

Best regards

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