[ADMIN] List Rules, the FAQ, etc...

From: Alex (fletcher@DEMOCRACY.QUEENSU.CA)
Date: 03/08/98

I've noticed lately that people have started becomming lax again.  This
seems to be an oft-occurring happenstance.  It is rather evident that
people are not bothering to learn standard netiquette before posting to
this mailing list, and are not even bothering to take the time to read
the nice little FAQ that gets sent out with every subscription.

Believe it or not, this FAQ contains the list rules.  Believe it or not,
a large number of people break at least one rule every day.  Some more
than that.  Have consideration and courtesy for your fellow admins and
listmembers.  Don't be an ass, don't waste time with one liners that don't
do anything, don't quote lots of stuff and add nothing of your own.  I
could go on and quote examples of how ignorant some of the people on this
list can be, and yes, I mean *ignorant*.  Some of you haven't bothered to
prove otherwise yet.

I really dislike having to "police" the list, it should be somewhat
self-policing.  You should know when you are doing something wrong, and
attempt to correct it, I shouldn't have to send you a piece of mail giving
you a slap on the wrist.

This is your warning for March.  Next thing that happens is blank removal
with no explanation.  Oh, and if you try to resubscribe, I'll tell you
exactly why I'm not letting you.

Your fascist list admin,


ObCircle:  This is CircleMUD related.  Remember, I'm the CircleMUD List
           Admin.  Ergo, CircleMUD related.  Have a nice day.

     | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
     | http://democracy.queensu.ca/~fletcher/Circle/list-faq.html |

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