From: Scott Clifford (digital@TOGETHER.NET)
Date: 10/09/98

Hello, I have installed the 128bit patch <the latest one where you hand
patch it> and finally have most of the bugs out but when i get to
aff_barkskin    30
aff_stoneskin   31

and I do stat char

it shows

SPL: (  3hr) barkskin              sets
SPL: (  1hr) stoneskin             sets Playing

The line calling the set is in act.wizard.c and reads

strcpy(buf2, affected_bits[aff->bitvector])

Thanks in advance :)

in structs.h they are defined as

#define AFF_DONTUSE           0  /* Do NOT use!!!!  */
#define AFF_BLIND             1    /* (R Char is blind          */
#define AFF_INVISIBLE         2    /* Char is invisible         */
#define AFF_DETECT_ALIGN      3    /* Char is sensitive to align*/
#define AFF_DETECT_INVIS      4    /* Char can see invis chars  */
#define AFF_DETECT_MAGIC      5    /* Char is sensitive to magic*/
#define AFF_SENSE_LIFE        6    /* Char can sense hidden life*/
#define AFF_WATERWALK         7    /* Char can walk on water    */
#define AFF_SANCTUARY         8    /* Char protected by sanct.  */
#define AFF_GROUP             9    /* (R Char is grouped        */
#define AFF_CURSE             10           /* Char is cursed            */
#define AFF_INFRAVISION       11           /* Char can see in dark      */
#define AFF_POISON            12           /* (R Char is poisoned       */
#define AFF_PROTECT_EVIL      13           /* Char protected from evil  */
#define AFF_PROTECT_GOOD      14           /* Char protected from good  */
#define AFF_SLEEP             15           /* (R Char magically asleep  */
#define AFF_NOTRACK           16           /* Char can't be tracked     */
#define AFF_MANA_SHIELD       17           /* Room for future expansion */
#define AFF_FIRE_SHIELD       18           /* Room for future expansion */
#define AFF_SNEAK             19           /* Char can move quietly     */
#define AFF_HIDE              20           /* Char is hidden            */
#define AFF_MIRROR            21           /* Room for future expansion */
#define AFF_CHARM             22           /* Char is charmed           */
#define AFF_SLOW              23           /* Char is charmed           */
#define AFF_HASTE             24           /* Char is hasted            */
#define AFF_REGEN             25           /* Char is Regen             */
#define AFF_FLY               26           /* Char is Flying            */
#define AFF_IMPROVED_INVISIBLE  27  /* Char is invisible        */
#define AFF_HOLD_PERSON       28           /* (R) Char magically held   */
#define AFF_SUSTAIN           29           /* char needs no food/drink  */
#define AFF_BARKSKIN          30
#define AFF_STONESKIN         31

and constants.c

/* AFF_x */
const char *affected_bits[] =

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