Re: Legacy code, what is the origin of this chunk?

From: George Greer (
Date: 03/22/99

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Angus Mezick wrote:

>While hand patching in the latest release of Circle, I stumbled
>across this hunk of code in act.movement.c:has_boat().  Anyone
>know where it came from and what ROOM_IDENTITY() was?

1) It's not from Diku.
2) It's not in the ChangeLog.
3) It's been there since I started coding CircleMUD.

I suppose Alex would be the person to ask on this one. I think there is a
'Dead Sea' area somewhere.

>The reason I ask is because the patch saw fit to change this
>from "return 1;" to "return (1);".  Is all very strange.

He was thorough. :)

George Greer            | The OasisOLC Maintenance Effort   |

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