Problems saving a field within nanny()

From: Julian Buckley (
Date: 05/24/99

Okies, basically I wish to have a new player enter his email address and
have it save within the playerfile --- I've already got it working online
(i.e. email whatever), but was hoping to get it running via nanny()...

CON_QEMAIL looks similar to the following...the gethostbyaddr stuff was
taken from Brian Gray's "email_reg" code...

    if ((host = strchr(arg, '@')))
    else {
      SEND_TO_Q("Address should be in the form userid@host.\r\n", d);
      SEND_TO_Q("Enter e-mail address: ", d);
    if (!(gethostbyname(host))) {
      SEND_TO_Q("Invalid internet host.\r\n", d);
      SEND_TO_Q("Enter e-mail address: ", d);
    if (strstr(arg, "root")) {
      SEND_TO_Q("You cannot register as root.\r\n", d);
      SEND_TO_Q("Enter e-mail address: ", d);
    if (strlen(arg) > MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH) {
      SEND_TO_Q("Address too long.\r\n", d);
      SEND_TO_Q("Enter e-mail address: ", d);
    CREATE(d->character->, char, strlen(arg) + 1);
    strcpy(d->character->, CAP(arg));

If I place the following:
    sprintf(buf, "Did I get that right, %s (Y/N)? ", d->character->;
    SEND_TO_Q(buf, d);
it displays the email address typed...

However, when he/she logs into the game, it's not saved?  The prototypes
in db.c for init_char are all set up --- I've tried mimicing
and player.title...

What am I missing? *ponder*


 Julian Buckley, 3rd Year Software Engineering
 Dept. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Qld
 Web Page:

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