Re: Spells

From: Edward J Glamkowski (
Date: 02/06/00

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 21:04:25    Victor Wennberg wrote:
> How do i make spells with INT REQ, and WIS
> REQ...

I've done this already :)
Add to wis_app_type and/or int_app_type:

struct wis_app_type {
   byte bonus;
   sh_int mana_bonus;
   sh_int failure;
   byte max_spell_level;

struct int_app_type {
   byte learn;
   sh_int mana_bonus;
   byte max_spell_level;
   sh_int chance_to_learn;

add to constants.c definitions appropriately.

Then in the guild proc, check for appropriate
ability - here's how I did it:
  /* Mages are limited in their max learnable spell level by their int */
  if (IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)) {
    if (skill_num > 0 && skill_num <= MAX_SPELLS ) {
      if (spell_info[skill_num].min_level[CLASS_MAGIC_USER] >
          int_app[GET_INT(ch)].max_spell_level) {
        send_to_char("You cannot learn such a powerful spell!\r\n", ch);
        return (1);

  /* Clerics are limited in their max learnable spell level by their wis */
  if (IS_CLERIC(ch)) {
    if (skill_num > 0 && skill_num <= MAX_SPELLS ) {
      if (spell_info[skill_num].min_level[CLASS_CLERIC] >
          wis_app[GET_WIS(ch)].max_spell_level) {
        send_to_char("You cannot learn such a powerful spell!\r\n", ch);
        return (1);

> i also want spell's to cost movement points...
> please give me some pointers and i can handle
> it

Grep for mag_manacost (spell_parser.c) and see
how mana is handled, then do something similar
for movement.

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