Re: my prob with compiling a server please help

From: Peter Ajamian (
Date: 01/29/01

jitendra patel wrote:
> As Peter suggested i downloaded a server from contrib/server but i got
> this error when compiling it. i hope you can help. I'm using cygwin under
> windows 98 its been compliling stock cirlemud just fine but when i got
> one with cirlcebpl17 dg7a oasis2.0 assemblers ascii pfiles i got this
> error.
> diskio.c In function 'fbopen_for_read':
> diskio.c:144: structure has no member named '_fileno'
> diskio.c In function 'fbcat':
> diskio.c:324: structure has no member named '_fileno'

This has been answered before, search the archives for "fileno" and
you'll find a ton of matches.

Regards, Peter

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