Problems with Oasis save list

From: Del (
Date: 07/28/01

Anyone else mess around with the new Oasis yet and run across this problem?

I was trying to figure out the sedit.c/shop.c bug (since it crashes my
bundle). I ran across a little incompatibility with the save list.

The new oasis saves the zone numbers to the 'save_list' however
when you go to save them you can't use the zone number.

example: (don't do this in zone 0 to show the true effect)
redit -> b -> 0 -> q -> y  (save internal)
type olc to see the zone show up
then type redit save <zone you just edited a room from>
you see:
> Saving all rooms in zone 0.
type olc again, you see your zone listed.
Then type
redit save <zone * 100 (like 1200)>
> Saving all rooms in zone 0.
type olc again and whala
> All world files are up to date.

In oasis.c when you type redit save <zone>, it takes the zone number
and tries to use this
   if ((OLC_ZNUM(d) = real_zone_by_thing(number)) == -1) {
which won't work becuase 'number' is the zone number not a vnum!

I fixed it by adding in this, (oasis.c)

   * Find the zone.
+   if (save) {
+     if ((OLC_ZNUM(d) = real_zone(number)) < 0) {  /* is this a good way to
check? */
+       send_to_char("Sorry, there is no zone for that number!\r\n", ch);
+       free(d->olc);
+       d->olc = NULL;
+       return;
+     }
+   }
-  if ((OLC_ZNUM(d) = real_zone_by_thing(number)) == -1) {
+  else if ((OLC_ZNUM(d) = real_zone_by_thing(number)) == -1) {
    send_to_char("Sorry, there is no zone for that number!\r\n", ch);
    d->olc = NULL;

Please, let me know if there is a better way to do this! (I was tired and
was getting frustrated at making it work correctly).

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