Re: [Newbie]Stats Editor Error

From: Terry Valladon (
Date: 09/05/01

Here is more information:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x80c16d6 in parse_stats (d=0x8134800, arg=0xbfbff604 "") at statedit.c:34
34        switch(OLC_MODE(d)) {

(gdb) print d
$1 = (struct descriptor_data *) 0x8134800

(gdb) print ch
$2 = (struct char_data *) 0x8160800

(gdb) info locals
d = (struct descriptor_data *) 0x8134800
arg = 0xbfbff604 ""
ch = (struct char_data *) 0x8160800

(gdb) bt
#0  0x80c16d6 in parse_stats (d=0x8134800, arg=0xbfbff604 "") at
#1  0x80a4547 in nanny (d=0x8134800, arg=0xbfbff604 "") at
#2  0x8075708 in game_loop (mother_desc=3) at comm.c:834
#3  0x8074ded in init_game (port=4000) at comm.c:464
#4  0x8074a61 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfbff9d8) at comm.c:339

(gdb) print *d
$3 = {descriptor = 5, host = "localhost", '\000' <repeats 21 times>, bad_pws
= 0 '\000',
  idle_tics = 0 '\000', connected = 29, desc_num = 3, login_time =
999718407, showstr_head = 0x0,
  showstr_vector = 0x0, showstr_count = 0, showstr_page = 0, str = 0x0,
backstr = 0x0, max_str = 0,
  mail_to = 0, has_prompt = 0, inbuf =
"\000\n\000\000\r\n\0003\r\n\000\r\n", '\000' <repeats 498 times>,
  last_input = "\000\000use123", '\000' <repeats 247 times>,
  small_outbuf = "\000\nSelect a class:\r\n  [C]leric\r\n  [T]hief\r\n
[W]arrior\r\n  [M]agic-user\r\nClass: \000 lib/text/greetings\r\n\r\n", ' '
<repeats 28 times>, "Based on CircleMUD 3.0,\r\n", ' ' <repeats 28 times>,
"Created by Jeremy Elson\r\n\r\n", ' ' <repeats 22 times>, "A derivative of
  output = 0x8134b58 "", history = 0x8155cc0, history_pos = 3, bufptr = 0,
bufspace = 1023,
  large_outbuf = 0x0, input = {head = 0x0, tail = 0x8153e30}, character =
0x8160800, original = 0x0,
  snooping = 0x0, snoop_by = 0x0, next = 0x0, olc = 0x0}

has anyone ran accross this with stats editor?

I got this from a friend who I showed the output to:

>It looks like the descriptor is fine at this point. That means the
>stack is getting hosed, more likely than not. Thas usually a memory
>corruption issue. Look for anywhere in the flow up until this point
>where you do any kind of memory copies, etc.

so I will, but if anyone has experanced this and can save me some time
please let me know.

Thank you,

...and on the 7th day god looked upon what he had created; he saw that it
was ugly; he saw that it was evil; he dragged it to the Recycle Bin. Good
thing god doesn't use FreeBSD!

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