From: Brian Williams - Nashak Subject: autoexits This is one method of doing autoexits. act.informative.c (do_auto_exits) for (door = 0; door < NUM_OF_DIRS; door++) if (EXIT(ch, door) && EXIT(ch, door)->to_room != NOWHERE) if (IS_SET(EXIT(ch, door)->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)) sprintf(buf, "%s-%s# ", buf, dirs[door]); else sprintf(buf, "%s-%s ", buf, dirs[door]); Well... this puzzled me.. (it puts "-north -east -south -west#") west being a door... but I wanted it to be "-North.. etc" so if you want that... just change the 'dirs[door]' to a 'capdirs[door]' and then in constants.c do a search for 'north' and make a: const char *capdirs[] = { "North", "East", "South", "West", "Up", "Down", "\n" }; Add this right above the const char *dirs[]... and then at the top of act.informative.c, put an 'extern char *capdirs[];' right above the 'extern char *dirs[]'...