: See light in darkrooms Okay, here is something i think you will like. I've heard so many people say, "damn.. its annoying that you can't grab a light when you are in a dark room". They are right, it is :P, soooo i decided to add it. These codes will allow your players to see the light they are carrying when they are in a dark room, it will also make it possible for them to grab it. Hope you find this useful. You can of course add this to exam, drop, junk, etc, it would require some minor changes, and would be pretty useless, grab/hold is all you need to use when you are alone with a light in a dark room. I did not include the code to see containers containing a light nor the possibility to get lights from container, why? because of the roleplaying factor, you wouldn't see your backpack in the dark. You are probably thinking "that sounds stupid" ..... i know... ;) But if you really want to be able to do it, but don't know how, mail me and i will help you. -----------------------------[ Step One ]----------------------------- > in file act.item.c > in ACMD(do_grab) > add this after "one_argument(argument, arg);" for (obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content) if (IS_DARK(ch->in_room) && !CAN_SEE_IN_DARK(ch) && (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_LIGHT)) { perform_wear(ch, obj, WEAR_LIGHT); return; } -----------------------------[ Step Two ]----------------------------- > in file act.informative.c > in ACMD(do_inventory) > add this after { > above send_to_char("You are carrying:\r\n", ch); struct obj_data *obj; for (obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content) if (IS_DARK(ch->in_room) && !CAN_SEE_IN_DARK(ch) && (GET_OBJ_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_LIGHT)) { send_to_char("You are carrying:\r\n", ch); strcpy(buf, obj->short_description); send_to_char(buf, ch); send_to_char("\r\nBecause of the darkness, you can only see this single item.\r\n", ch); return; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Do whatever you want with this piece of code. Enjoy it, hate it, smash it, remake it...... If you decide to use it, please send me a mail, including the address to your mud. A line in your credit file is of course also appreciated / Hugor (hugor@freebox.com)