Mob Memory Commands [by Demetrius Harris]
Snippet Posted Wednesday, August 12th @ 11:31:36 PM, by George Greer in the Mobiles dept.
. Click the link below to read it or download it.

From: Demetrius Harris <ldh1@Archive.MsState.Edu>
Subject: [Circle] Mob Memory Code [Warning: Long Text]

I believe that this file contains all the changes i made to allow memory
handling for mobs.  If you get any errors as a result of my code just email
me an I will be glad to try and solve it with you.

In structs.h:
  goto: struct memory_rec_struct
  add: char *name;
       after long id;

In interpreter.c:
  goto: prototypes for all do_xx
  add: ACMD(depiss);
  add: ACMD(repiss);

  goto: struct command_info cmd_info[] = {
  add: { "depiss"  , POS_DEAD,  do_depiss,  LVL_GOD, 0}
  add: { "repiss"  , POS_DEAD,  do_repiss,  LVL_GOD, 0}

In mobact.c:
  goto: void remember(.....)
  add: tmp->name = GET_NAME(victim);
       after tmp->id = GET_IDNUM(victim);

  goto: void forget(....)
  change: while (curr && curr->id != GET_IDNUM(victim)) {
  to: while ((curr && curr->id != GET_IDNUM(victim)) ||
             (curr && curr->name != GET_NAME(victim))) {

In act.wizard.c:
  goto: /* Showing the bitvector */
  add: the following after 'send_to_char(buf, ch);' of bitvector

      /* Show player on mobs piss list */
      if (IS_NPC(k) && (MOB_FLAGGED(k, MOB_MEMORY))) {
        sprintf(buf, "Pissed List:\r\n");
        for (names = MEMORY(k); names && !found; names = names->next) {
          sprintf(buf2, "  %s\r\n", names->name);
          strcat(buf, buf2);
        send_to_char(strcat(buf, "\r\n"), ch);

  add: the following code:

  void forget(struct char_data * ch, struct char_data * victim);

  char buf3[80];
  struct char_data *vic = 0;
  struct char_data *mob  = 0;

  two_arguments(argument, buf1, buf2);

  if (!*buf1 || !*buf2) {
    send_to_char("Usage: depiss <player> <mobile>\r\n", ch);

  if (((vic = get_char_vis(ch, buf1))) && (!IS_NPC(vic))) {
    if (((mob = get_char_vis(ch, buf2))) && (IS_NPC(mob))) {
      if (MOB_FLAGGED(mob, MOB_MEMORY))
        forget(mob, vic);
      else {
        send_to_char("Mobile does not have the memory flag set!\r\n", ch);
    else {
      send_to_char("Sorry, Player Not Found!\r\n", ch);
  else {
    send_to_char("Sorry, Mobile Not Found!\r\n", ch);
  sprintf(buf3, "%s has been removed from %s pissed list.\r\n",
          GET_NAME(vic), GET_NAME(mob));
  send_to_char(buf3, ch);

  void remember(struct char_data * ch, struct char_data * victim);

  char buf3[80];
  struct char_data *vic = 0;
  struct char_data *mob  = 0;

  two_arguments(argument, buf1, buf2);

  if (!*buf1 || !*buf2) {
    send_to_char("Usage: repiss <player> <mobile>\r\n", ch);

  if (((vic = get_char_vis(ch, buf1))) && (!IS_NPC(vic))) {
    if (((mob = get_char_vis(ch, buf2))) && (IS_NPC(mob))) {
      if (MOB_FLAGGED(mob, MOB_MEMORY))
        remember(mob, vic);
      else {
        send_to_char("Mobile does not have the memory flag set!\r\n", ch);
    else {
      send_to_char("Sorry, Player Not Found!\r\n", ch);
  else {
    send_to_char("Sorry, Mobile Not Found!\r\n", ch);
  sprintf(buf3, "%s has been added to %s pissed list.\r\n",
          GET_NAME(vic), GET_NAME(mob));
  send_to_char(buf3, ch);

If you don't mind give some credit to Shame the Imp of SliceMUD

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