From: The Dark One (Reza Nejad) Subject: Room Save Snippit make a "save" directory in lib ----->in structs.h add #define ROOM_SAVE (1 << 21) (or whatever the next number is) if you use OasicOLC change num_room_flags one higher ------>Stick This in house.c /***************************************************************** ******************ROOM SAVE STUFF********************************* ******************************************************************/ int save_get_filename(int i, char *filename) { if (i < 0) return 0; sprintf(filename, "save/", i); return 1; } int save_load(int i) { FILE *fll; char fname[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; struct obj_file_elem object; if (!save_get_filename(i, fname)) return 0; if (!(fll = fopen(fname, "r+b"))) { return 0; } while (!feof(fll)) { fread(&object, sizeof(struct obj_file_elem), 1, fll); if (ferror(fll)) { perror("Reading save file: save_load."); fclose(fll); return 0; } if (!feof(fll)) obj_to_room(Obj_from_store(object), i); } fclose(fll); return 1; } void save_boot(void) { extern int top_of_world; int i; for (i=0; i <= top_of_world; i++) { if (IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(i), ROOM_SAVE)) { save_load(i); } } } int save_save(struct obj_data * obj, FILE * fll) { struct obj_data *tmp; int result; if (obj) { save_save(obj->contains, fll); save_save(obj->next_content, fll); result = Obj_to_store(obj, fll); if (!result) return 0; for (tmp = obj->in_obj; tmp; tmp = tmp->in_obj) GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(tmp) -= GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj); } return 1; } void save_restore_weight(struct obj_data * obj) { if (obj) { save_restore_weight(obj->contains); save_restore_weight(obj->next_content); if (obj->in_obj) GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj->in_obj) += GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj); } } void save_saved(int i) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; FILE *fll; if (i == -1) return; sprintf(buf, "save/", i); fopen(buf, "wb"); fclose(fll); fll = fopen(buf, "wb"); save_save(world[i].contents, fll); fclose(fll); save_restore_weight(world[i].contents); } /**************************************************************** ***************************************************************** *****************************************************************/ ------>Add this to house.h void save_boot(void); void save_saved(int vnum); -----> In db.c in void_boot_db add log("Loading Saved Rooms."); save_boot(); anywhere you like inside of the boot routines (I sugjest affter the house loading) ------> In heartbeat() or do_save() or do_reboot() anywhere you find nice for(i=0;i <= top_of_world; i++) { if(IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(i), ROOM_SAVE)) save_saved(i); } *Note be sure to define "int i" and "extern int top_of_world" at the top of the function ---------->End