Re: Thanks Jeff, just one more question (fwd)

From: Jeff (
Date: 04/09/94

jason writes:
> When you shouldn't be running a MUD, or
> Why shouldn't I be an implementor:
> 1)   If you can't get, set up, and run the MUD initially by yourself
> 2)   If you have to have other people (people not involved with your MUD) debug
> 	code for you.
> 3)   If the only new code you get is given to you by others.

Agreed.  This is one reason I have been hesitant to send in code for use in
other people's MUDs (including spell/skill requests we have seen on this
mailing list).  Having a set of code like CircleMUD and a set of UNIX man
pages is enough to teach you how to program in C.  First you learn to "mod",
by taking code that does similar things to what you want, and copying it.
Eventually you learn to code.

> 4)   If you only use the default worldfile or

Partial agreement.  It takes a lot of work to design a good area, and just 
about any "free" area that sits on an ftp site is going to be utter rubbish.


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