God command levels.

From: Aaron J. Millis (aaron@WPI.EDU)
Date: 08/15/94

I want to change the original levels of certain god commands,
ie. I want load to be a 32+ command rather than 31.
Where in the code do I change it, and 
what exactly do I do?

Thanks alot.
If anyone has any documentation on this, I'd appreciate it.

   __      __      __      __      __
  / /\    / /\    / /\    / /\    /_/\                 Aaron J. Millis
 / /  \  / /  \  / /  \  / /  \  _\ \ \                aaron@wpi.edu
/_/ /\ \/_/ /\ \/_/ /\ \/_/ /\ \/_/\_\ \               (508) 791-6962
\ \ \/  \ \ \/  \ \ \/ /\ \ \ \ \ \     \              WPI Box 2832
 \ \  /\ \ \  /\ \ \  __ \ \ \_\ \ \  __ \             100 Institute Road
  \ \ \_\/\ \ \_\/\ \ \_\/\ \ \/ /\ \ \_\/             Worcester, MA  01609
   \ \ \   \ \ \   \ \ \   \ \  /  \ \ \ 
    \_\/    \_\/    \_\/    \_\/    \_\/

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