changing classes/levels (fwd)

From: Ake Jonsson (
Date: 10/07/94

Burkhard Knopf wrote:
>>I tried to change the number of levels the other night and now the titles
>>seemed to be screwed up. Guess what happened?
>>I didn't find the
>>  extern struct title_type titles[4][35];
>>lines in several source files for I only looked for the macro LVL_IMPL.
>>Guess you better change those numbers to the appropriate macros in:
>>act.informative.c, act.wizard.c, interpreter.c, and limits.c
>>That'll make it easier.

A better way to do this is to add a define in structs.h:

#define NUM_CLASSES [n]

and then add NUM_CLASSES in every place that use the number of
classes. For example:

extern struct title_type titles[NUM_CLASSES][35];

Then you only have to change the line in structs.h when adding a
class. There is more to it than this, but it's a start. :)

Mvh Ake
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