Re: Autoloot

From: Ron Poulton (
Date: 07/27/95

> I've been working on something like that too (just in my head so far).  
> My plan is to write a simple parser for each file type (maybe just start 
> by having it recognize room #'s and titles).  Then write a world saver 
> which would read the existing file as a long string.  Edit what the 
> editor supports (like the room titles), and save the string with your 
> changes.  
> In addition to giving you the backbone of olc, this kind of setup would 
> give you instant functionality on a small scale, have room to grow, and 
> it would just ignore any data types it doesn't recognize (though it would 
> write them back out).

I'm not sure what you mean by a long string.  The parser routine is 
already installed in CircleMUD as far as reading goes, however, as I 
assume from the presence of write-routines in the editor sources I've 
picked up, I assume CircleMUD doesn't have any routines to save world files.

I patched a world-save routine with a few modifications into the rset 
command, and now I can edit room titles and save the worlds flawlessly.  
The next step is getting the description edited, then the flags and 
doors.  The routines themselves are in external files, ie: the "rset" 
command is in rset.c, so it should technically be easy to patch it in 
once 3.0gamma is released.  And hopefully the two editing variations 
should compliment each other.

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