Re: new attempt at teleport rooms

From: Edward Almasy (
Date: 09/01/95

Graham Gilmore writes:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 1995, Daniel W. Burke wrote:
> > The code below is called every 5 seconds from comm.c
> > no matter what changes I make, it either crashes when it get's
> > called, or does nothing at all....
> > 
> > ANY ideas or solutions would be wonderful... (or if you've
> > already have teleport rooms working, I'd love to see your
> > code, because as far as I can see, this code SHOULD work)
> > 
> > void do_teleports(void)
> > {
> >   struct char_data *vict, *next_v;
> >   int i;
> >   for (i = 1; i < NUM_TELEPORT_ROOMS; i++)  
> 	Two things.  Your exit condition and your i increment are 
> reversed (causing i to increase without bound).  Also, the first element 
> of the array is 0, not 1.  Try this:
>     for (i = 0; i++; i < NUM_TELEPORT_ROOMS)

The initializer should start at 0, but he had the "for" statement
correct.  The syntax in C is:

    for ( <loop init> ;  <loop test> ;  <loop increment> ) {  <loop body>  }

which matches the original code posted.

 \_\_\_     _/ \_\_\_  axis data: specializing in online system setup & design
 \_  \_     _/ \_  \_    Edward Almasy               
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