Re: olc

From: Billy H. Chan (~{3B:FH;~}) (
Date: 09/09/95

I just grabbed olc myself and have been having problems with it:
I'm trying to edit zone 90, but it keeps on killing the items I
create.  Same with rooms.  I ended up making 'stub's for them
within the wld and obj files (empty 'placeholders' so I don't
use OLC to create, just to edit the item/room).  Anyone else having
the same problem?

I'm also looking into implementing/obj-fying all the equip in the
arms and equipment guide (yes, T$R), but would like to take the easy
way out, if someone already has such a file... otherwise, once I'm
done, I'd gladly put it public somewhere... same with the Monster
Manual :)
Anyhow, last question: anyone got medit, sedit, or zedit? ;)   

-Billy H. Chan	~{3B:FH;~}		    <> 
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