Re: Is there a getch()?

From: Naved A Surve (
Date: 02/07/96

In message <> you said:
> If you look deep into the socket-handling routines in circle, you may 
> find an input buffer.  If you can find this (I'm not sure if it exists in 
> circle, I'm just guessing it works this way), and learn how it works, you 
> can check the buffer before it gets passed to the command interpreter, 
> and just check for the oldest character (the one that was entered first 
> since the last buffer purge).

That won't work.  You'd essentially be writting another command interpreter
that gets called before the main command interpreter with no change in the
way it performs.  The user still has to hit <cr> on his end to send his
buffer across the network.  AFAIK the only way you can handle this situation
is by having the user run a specific client program that handles raw output.


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