Re: descriptor help needed

From: Brian Pape (
Date: 03/01/96

> Firstly, the "tch = NULL;" is not neccessary (I don't believe so anyhow, 
> because if there's no-one on, "tch = descriptor_list" will equal "tch = 
> NULL".
>   for (d = descriptor_list; d; d=d->next)
>     if ((tch = d->character) && !d->connected)
>       if (GET_LEVEL(tch) > lvl && GET_LEVEL(tch) < Max)
>         lvl = GET_LEVEL(tch)

As long as you are being picky, just eliminate 'tch' altogether...  then 
you really don't have to worry about it.

Brian Pape

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