Re: Patches??

From: Jeremy Elson (
Date: 03/11/96

>    I seem to be having problems using the patch from lev 9 to 10...  I'm on
> a Sun 3 running SunOS 4.1.1, and I type the following in the root directory:
>         gunzip patchbpl9-bpl10.gz | patch -p0
> and it promptly returns saying "Hmm....  Can't seem to find a patch in there.
> Any ideas?  If so, please inform me... I'd really hate to go through all the
> code that I've changed in pl9 and manually replace it...  Thanks!

Either type

   gunzip -c patchbpl9-bpl10.gz | patch


   gunzip patchbpl9-bpl10.gz
   patch < patchbpl9-bpl10

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