Re: Possible Bug

From: Joshua Mentzer (
Date: 06/23/96

> I created a 100th lvl 30000 hit point mobile that does 1d1 damage solely
> for testing new skills/spells on (we are not open yet). I was playing 
> around one day and used a 50th lvl char to attack the mob and noticed that
> he was gaining about 150K exp per round and would raise about 6 levels by
> the time the mob was dead.
> I have tried the following things and still get the same results:
> 1- using a 100 level char to fight this mob
> 2- lowering the mobs hit points to as low as 2000
> 3- lowering the mobs level 
> 4- setting the mob with no bits
> 5- much more, although I feel this problem lies in the code
> The only thing I have added that could possibly be related to this is multi
> attacks.
> I added multi attacks in perform_violence and simply added a check to see if
> char had
> the skill and if so set the number of attacks = to this value and then did
> hit() = to
> the number of attacks. It seems to work great, I mean I have seen no other
> problems with it.
> Has anyone had a similiar prob, or have any idea where I should look. I
> can't really post
> any code as I do not know where to look. I'm pretty sure my multi-attack
> code is okay because
> it is the same code as on a few other muds running the same patch level.
> Can someone also explain how the gain exp is calculatted?
> btw: When I was fighting this mob I wasn't using any skills or spells and
> still gained the mucho exp, and also
> a character without the multi-attacks gained as much exp as well.

  I was re-writing fight.c to a new system which we are using, and I 
think I saw something in there that for every hit you do, it gives you XP 
for the amount of damage you have done. I'll give it a quick peek later, 
and if I find the problem, I'll e-mail you the a code fix.


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