Re: [newbie] 330 lev code

From: James Rackley (
Date: 09/09/96

simple in structs.h or one of the .h files theres a place in there that 
defines lvls as a byte   a byte is olny 127 max all ya gotta do is make 
that byte a int and it will work fine as I have done this and stopped at 
200 so far. :)

On Mon, 9 Sep 1996, Jason Marles wrote:

> Hi all...
>          I have just got the source for circleMUD v3.0
>          It only had 34 lev. so i made it so it had 100 lev.
> 	 When i tried to make more levels it came up with an
> 	 error saying "more than 100 lev." (etc.) can 
> 	 someone tell me where i can get a code for 330 levels.
>          Or attach the class.c and structs.h for the 330 in an
> 	 e-mail.IT WOULD BE MUCH APPRIECIETED (sorry about the spelling)	
>                 I am running CircleMUD v3.0 on win95
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