Re: Here

From: George (
Date: 10/04/96

On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, Cyanide wrote:

> ACMD(do_tell)
> {
>   struct char_data *vict;
>   half_chop(argument, buf, buf2);
>   if (!*buf || !*buf2)
>     send_to_char("Who do you wish to tell what??\r\n", ch);
>   else if (!(vict = get_char_vis(ch, buf)))
>     send_to_char(NOPERSON, ch);
>   else if (ch == vict)
>     send_to_char("You try to tell yourself something.\r\n", ch);
>   else if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOTELL))
>     send_to_char("You can't tell other people while you have notell
> on.\r\n", ch);
>   else if (ROOM_FLAGGED(ch->in_room, ROOM_SOUNDPROOF))
>     send_to_char("The walls seem to absorb your words.\r\n", ch);
>   else if (!IS_NPC(vict) && !vict->desc)	/* linkless */
>     act("$E's linkless at the moment.", FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP);
>   else if (PLR_FLAGGED(vict, PLR_WRITING))
>     act("$E's writing a message right now; try again later.",
> 	FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP);
>   else if (PRF_FLAGGED(vict, PRF_NOTELL) || ROOM_FLAGGED(vict->in_room, 
>     act("$E can't hear you.", FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP);
>   else


>     if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_AFK))
>       send_to_char("You are away from the keyboard, or are you?\r\n", ch);
>     if (PRF_FLAGGED(vict, PRF_AFK))
>     {
>       act("$E is Away from the keyboard, try again later.",
>       FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_CHAR | TO_SLEEP);
>     }
>      perform_tell(ch, vict, buf2);


Basically, since you missed the {, only the first PRF_FLAGGED is run due
to the else, everything after that is considered in the body of the
function and always run, whether or not if found a valid target (or even
argument for that matter)

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