[code] FREE !!!

From: Allan M. Grant (agrant@negia.net)
Date: 12/18/96

I have just set up a whois patch from the site and I got a bug that
really.. ReAlLy... REALLY... R E A L L Y . . . pisses me off!
Sorry :)
When ever I get a whois on someone its not freed so when I type whois
again it gives me both enteries... then three...
>whois Pheonix
Level 54 pa.

>whois Hades
Level 54 pa.
Level 53 mu.

>whois Pheonix

Level 54 pa.
Level 53 mu.
Level 54 pa.

See? I have a free command but I guess I am not freeing enough or
freeing the wrong thing. Here is the code:

  struct char_data *victim = 0;
  struct char_file_u tmp_store;


  if (!*argument) {
    send_to_char("\\c07USAGE: whois \\c04<name of a player to get info
on>\\c00\r\n", ch);
  else {
    CREATE(victim, struct char_data, 1);
    if (load_char(argument, &tmp_store) > -1) {
      store_to_char(&tmp_store, victim);
      sprintf(buf, "%s\\c07Level \\c04%d %s\\c07.\\c00\r\n", buf,
              class_abbrevs[(int) GET_CLASS(victim)]);
      send_to_char(buf, ch);
    else {
      send_to_char("There is no such player.\r\n", ch);

Hope you can help me. I am REALLY desperate and I bet its something
REALLY simple... Well anyway.. thanks.

Pheonix the Newbie Implementor Who Wants to Learn
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