Re: Japanesalization

From: $B?@EDBgJe( [Daisuke Kanda] ($B?@EDBgJe()
Date: 01/08/97

krys> I don't understand the coding part of MUDs yet, but I do speak
krys> Japanese...if youneed help with the translation, I can do that....I work
krys> as a translator for Nissan.  :)

Johnson> I do not speak Japanese good, but I have friends who can
Johnson> help me translate.
Johnson> What kind of help do you need with CircleMUD?
Johnson> If you need help getting CircleMUD to display kanji/kana,
Johnson> I can help you with that.  If you are looking for help with
Johnson> translation of the text, I may not be so good.

  Thanks for replying.

  To make CircleMUD to use Japanese, there are steps below.

  1) 8bit through
    The most Japanese code to deal with is EUC-JP which set Japacese charactor
(include Chainese charactor) to from 128 to 255. Thus I had programmed for
through 8bit. And perhaps it have been done.

  2) translating commands
    I want not only to use Japanese command but English original command. But
there are some code that command is be one. So I am hacking now... For example,
I change the command kind of do_move, "north", "ease", etc, in act.movement.c

  perform_move(ch, cmd - 1, 0);


  perform_move(ch, cmd_info[cmd].subcmd -1, 0);

  The command I now tackle is socials. I have done to change socials multipul
command, but command list, displays when type "socials", is difficult to look.

  3) translating messeges
    The most work for spending time. 

  4) test play
    In Japan, there are few people know MUD. So I test my MUD alone (;_;)

  Now what I want someone to help is:

      Check my code or program uncoded part (1 and 2 secsion above).
      Next time I will bring my diff code.

      There are many many documents.

    making world)
      If you don't like to translate distributed world, Midgarrd, you can make
your own world to play. Of cause, in Japanese :)

    test play)
      If you can read Japanese, please check

    Daisuke Kanda
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